ScalaでProject Euler(56)

Problem 31


Pk(x) = 1 / (1 - xk)


(1 - x)(1 - x2)...(1 - x100)(1 - x200)

N = 5000で前回の方法より2桁速かったです。O(N2)がO(N)ですからね。

import scala.testing.Benchmark

type Poly = Array[Long]

val coins = List(1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200)
val N = 5000
val M = coins.sum

def unit() : Poly =
    Iterator.range(0, N + 1).map(k => if(k == 0) 1L else 0L).toArray

def mul(f :Poly, n :Int) = {
    val a = f.clone
    for(k <- Iterator.range(0, M - n + 1))
        a(k + n) -= f(k)

def div(f :Poly, g :Poly) = {
    val h = new Poly(N + 1)
    val a = f.clone
    for(k <- 0 to N) {
        val c = a(k) / g(0)
        h(k) = c
        for(l <- 0 to M.min(N - k))
            a(k + l) -= c * g(l)

def solve() = {
    val f = coins.foldLeft(unit)(mul)
    val g = div(unit, f)
    println (g(N))

object Test extends Benchmark {
    def run() = solve

println (Test.runBenchmark(10))